After the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War, Carmela joins one of the militias heading for the front, along with thousands of other women. Her struggle was twofold: to fight fascism and to prevent the disappearance of the freedoms and rights that women had won during the Second Spanish Republic. In the middle of the […]
Shouting her husband’s name, Yolande, a mother badger, runs to her burrow. She breaks down the door and announces the news to her family. That’s it, she has found a new den, more spacious, brighter, right next to the big lake. She wants to go there as soon as possible! After a short argument in […]
Back to Tomioka is a 2D feature film written by Laurent GALANDON and directed by François-Marc BAILLET. Two years after the Fukushima nuclear accident, orphans Akiko (12) and Osamu (9) live with their grandmother Baa-Chan in a refugee camp. When their grandmother dies and a distant uncle shows up to take them back to Tokyo, Osamu […]
Currently in production, “The Inventor” is a stop-motion and 2D animated feature film about Leonardo da Vinci. This adventure has a prestigious cast including Stephen Fry (Leonardo) and Daisy Ridley (Marguerite de Navarre), Marion Cotillard (Louise de Savoie). The full cast will be announced shortly. The insatiably curious and stubborn inventor Leonardo da Vinci leaves […]
Through the great hits of popular music (from “It’s raining men” by The Weather Girls to “C’est la Ouate” by Caroline Loeb) Music Queens highlights how female writers, composers and performers have changed the way women are viewed and challenged the rules of an essentially male industry. Each episode offers a musical analysis of a hit […]
Insatiable creator, bulimic of sound and composition, ROMAIN HUMEAU is one of those artists that one could undoubtedly qualify as hyperactive. But for this engaged free spirit, it is out of the question to indulge in the culture of numbers, to play tasteless music, just like that, to occupy the field. For the singer-leader of […]
Currently in pre-production The Inventor is a stylized, stop motion puppet and 2-D hand drawn animated film about Leonardo Da Vinci. This exhilarating adventure will be voiced by Stephen Fry (Leonardo) and Daisy Ridley (Marguerite) – with additional cast to be announced soon. The insatiably curious and headstrong inventor Leonardo da Vinci leaves Italy to join the French court, where he can experiment […]
“Some of us” A project writed by Karine Chaunac, directed by Jean-Charles Mbotti Malolo, Matan Rochlitz & Camille Duvelleroy A bimedia documentary series produced by Bachibouzouk 15 episodes of 6min format DiViNa 10 documentary video episodes in 10 min animation Fifteen stories of international athletes who have shown the world that SOME OF US can […]