In Her Face is a short film in development directed by Margarida MADEIRA. When 8-year-old Margarida discovers that the portrait of her bearded great-great-grandmother has disappeared from the family home, she vows to find the culprit. This investigation plunges her into an intimate journey that questions the way women have...
One More Step is a short film in development, directed in 2D by François-Marc BAILLET. How do you react when the path you are following suddenly stops? One More Step tells us the story of a woman who, faced with the unknown, has to face her fears in order to...
The banquet of the concubine, 12' 46'', Folimage, Foliascope, ONF NFB Canada, Nadasdy films SHORT ANIMATED FILM, 12MIN 46S, PAPER DRAWING TECHNIQUE, 2012 China, the year 746, the Tang Dynasty. The country is experiencing a period of tremendous prosperity. The Emperor Li is a great lover of women, art and...
A short 12-minute film, an original work by Marie Gautier and Camille Dufayet, in development