Unceremoniously discarded, CUPPY, a disposable cup, finds himself thrown into a particularly hostile world. An urban jungle populated by strange creatures: junks.
Shouting her husband's name, Yolande, a mother badger, runs to her burrow. She breaks down the door and announces the news to her family. That's it, she has found a new den, more spacious, brighter, right next to the big lake. She wants to go there as soon as possible!...
One More Step is a short film in development, directed in 2D by François-Marc BAILLET. How do you react when the path you are following suddenly stops? One More Step tells us the story of a woman who, faced with the unknown, has to face her fears in order to...
In Her Face is a short film in development directed by Margarida MADEIRA. When 8-year-old Margarida discovers that the portrait of her bearded great-great-grandmother has disappeared from the family home, she vows to find the culprit. This investigation plunges her into an intimate journey that questions the way women have...
Back to Tomioka is a 2D feature film written by Laurent GALANDON and directed by François-Marc BAILLET. Two years after the Fukushima nuclear accident, orphans Akiko (12) and Osamu (9) live with their grandmother Baa-Chan in a refugee camp. When their grandmother dies and a distant uncle shows up to take...
Leo's Workshop brings to life the untold story of Leonardo da Vinci in a new stop motion animated adventure TV series for families and children of all ages. We all know Leonardo da Vinci, the brilliant inventor, engineer and artist. But what we don't know is what went on behind...
Currently in production, "The Inventor" is a stop-motion and 2D animated feature film about Leonardo da Vinci. This adventure has a prestigious cast including Stephen Fry (Leonardo) and Daisy Ridley (Marguerite de Navarre), Marion Cotillard (Louise de Savoie). The full cast will be announced shortly. The insatiably curious and stubborn...